segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009


O Radiohead é uma das maiores e melhores bandas dos anos 90, fazendo parte do movimento "britpop" com outros grupos como Blur, Oasis e Teenage Fanclub. Mas seu diferencial é justamente ser uma banda absolutamente original, misturando o psicodelismo dos anos 60, toques progressivos e letra absolutamente deprês e geniais, cortesia do vocalista Thom Yorke.

Em 1992, com a explosão do novo rock inglês (gente como Blur e Ride estouravam nas paradas) e o boom ainda maior do grunge, Thom Yorke (guitarra, vocais, teclados), Colin Greenwood (baixo), seu irmão Jonny (guitarra), Ed O'Brien e Phil Selway (bateria) montaram o grupo On A Friday. A banda foi abrir o show do obscuro grupo Candyskins, coberto pelo importante semanário inglês Melody Maker. Mas foi o On A Friday quem supreendeu os críticos: "Nome horrível, inadequado para a impressionante intensidade dessa turma (...) Promissor é pouco". Ler mais...

Pablo Honey (1993)

#01 You (3:27)
#02 Creep (3:55)
#03 How Do You? (2:11)
#04 Stop Whispering (5:25)
#05 Thinking About You (2:41)
#06 Anyone Can Play Guitar (2:41)
#07 Ripcord (3:09)
#08 Vegetable (3:12)
#09 Prove Yourself (2:25)
#10 I Can't (4:13)
#11 Lurgee (3:07)
#12 Blow Out (4:41)

The Bends (1995)

#01 Planet Telex (4:18)
#02 The Bends (4:06)
#03 High and Dry (4:17)
#04 Fake Plastic Trees (4:50)
#05 Bones (3:08)
#06 [Nice Dream] (3:53)
#07 Just (3:54)
#08 My Iron Lung (4:36)
#09 Bulletproof... I Wish I Was (3:28)
#10 Black Star (4:07)
#11 Sulk (3:42)
#12 Street Spirit (Fade Out) (4:14)

OK Computer (1997)

Parte 1:
Parte 2:

#01 Airbag (4:44)
#02 Paranoid Android (6:23)
#03 Subterranean Homesick Alien (4:27)
#04 Exit Music (For a Film) (4:24)
#05 Let Down (4:59)
#06 Karma Police (4:21)
#07 Fitter Happier (1:57)
#08 Electioneering (3:50)
#09 Climbing Up the Walls (4:45)
#10 No Surprises (3:48)
#11 Lucky (4:19)
#12 The Tourist (5:24)

Kid A (2000)

#01 Everything in Its Right Place (4:11)
#02 Kid A (4:44)
#03 The National Anthem (5:51)
#04 How to Disappear Completely (5:56)
#05 Treefingers (3:42)
#06 Optimistic (5:16)
#07 In Limbo (3:31)
#08 Idioteque (5:09)
#09 Morning Bell (4:35)
#10 Motion Picture Soundtrack (7:01)

Amnesiac (2001)

#01 Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box (4:00)
#02 Pyramid Song (4:48)
#03 Pulk / Pull Revolving Doors (4:07)
#04 You and Whose Army? (3:11)
#05 I Might Be Wrong (4:53)
#06 Knives Out (4:14)
#07 Morning Bell / Amnesiac (3:14)
#08 Dollars & Cents (4:51)
#09 Hunting Bears (2:01)
#10 Like Spinning Plates (3:57)
#11 Life in a Glass House (4:34)

Hail to the Thief (The Gloaming) (2003)

Parte 1:
Parte 2:

#01 2+2=5 (3:19)
#02 Sit Down. Stand Up (4:20)
#03 Sail to the Moon (4:18)
#04 Backdrifts (5:22)
#05 Go to Sleep (3:21)
#06 Where I End and You Begin (4:29)
#07 We Suck Young Blood (4:56)
#08 The Gloaming (3:32)
#09 There There (5:23)
#10 I Will (1:59)
#11 A Punchup at a Wedding (4:57)
#12 Myxomatosis (3:52)
#13 Scatterbrain (3:21)
#14 A Wolf at the Door (3:21)

In Rainbows (2007)

#01 15 Step (3:57)
#02 Bodysnatchers (4:02)
#03 Nude (4:15)
#04 Weird Fishes / Arpeggi (5:18)
#05 All I Need (3:48)
#06 Faust Arp (2:09)
#07 Reckoner (4:50)
#08 House of Cards (5:28)
#09 Jigsaw Falling into Place (4:08)
#10 Videotape (4:39)


My iron lung EP (1994)

38 mb / 192 kbps

1 My Iron Lung (4:37)
2 The Trickster (4:40)
3 Lewis (Mistreated) (3:19)
4 Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong (4:40)
5 Permanent Daylight (2:48)
6 Lozenge of Love (2:16)
7 You Never Wash Up After Yourself (1:44)
8 Creep [acoustic] (4:19)

I might be wrong: Live recordings (2001)
57 mb / 192 kbps (vbr + de 192 kbps para "Dollars and cents" y "True love waits"
82 mb / 320 kbps (Ripeado del original q lo compré el 24 en cierto recital, jeje)

01 The National Anthem (4:57)
02 I Might Be Wrong (4:52)
03 Morning Bell (4:14)
04 Like Spinning Plates (3:47)
05 Idioteque (4:24)
06 Everthing in Its Right Place (7:42)
07 Dollars & Cents (5:13)
08 True Love Waits (5:02)

In Rainbows Bonus Disc (2007)

27 mb // 128 kbps

62 mb // 320 kbps


Mk 1 (1:04)
Down Is the New Up (4:59)
Go Slowly (3:48)
Mk 2 (0:53)
Last Flowers (1:48)
Up on the Ladder (4:17)
Bangers + Mash (3:20)
4 Minute Warning (4:06)

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